* "On that day the Lord made a COVENANT with Abram, saying, "To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates."
Genesis 15:18
* "And I will establish my COVENANT between me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you. Also I give to you and your descendants after you the land in which you are a stranger, ALL THE LAND OF CANAAN as an EVERLASTING possession; and I will be their God."
Genesis 17:7-8
Then to Abraham’s son Isaac:
* "And God said, Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, and thou shalt call his name ISAAC; and I will establish my covenant with him for an EVERLASTING COVENANT, and with his seed after him."
Genesis 17:19
* "But I will establish my covenant with ISAAC, whom Sarah shall bear to you at this season next year."
Genesis 17:21
Genesis 21:12
And then to Isaac's son Jacob:
* "Remember his marvelous works which He has done, his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth, O seed of Abraham his servant, you children of JACOB, his chosen ones!"
1st Chronicles 16:12-13
* "Then Jacob said to Joseph: 'God Almighty appeared to me at Luz in the land of Canaan and blessed me, and said to me, 'Behold, I will make you fruitful and multiply you, and I will make of you a multitude of people, and give this land TO YOUR DESCENDANTS after you as an everlasting possession.'”
Genesis 48:3-4
He Repeats To Make It Clear:
* "O seed of Abraham His servant, You children of JACOB, his chosen ones! He is the Lord our God; His judgments are in all the earth. He has remembered his covenant forever, the word which he commanded, for a thousand generations, the covenant which he made with ABRAHAM, and his oath to ISAAC, and confirmed it to JACOB for a statute, to ISRAEL for an everlasting covenant, saying, 'To you I will give the land of Canaan as the allotment of your inheritance…'”
Psalms 105:6-11
Jacob's Name Changed To Israel:
* And He said, "Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel...
Genesis 32:28
God Told Moses His Covenant Is With Israel:
* "Then the Lord spoke to Moses that very same day, saying: 'Go up this mountain of the Abarim, Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, across from Jericho; view the land of Canaan, which I give TO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL as a possession…'”
Deuteronomy 32:48-49
The Borders of The Covenant Land:
* "On the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying: "To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates."
Genesis 15:18